Daren Allen – Chairman
I joined Ipswich Triathlon club in 2012. I have benefited greatly from the efforts of previous committee members and I wanted to contribute to the continued success of the club, as a consequence, joined the committee as Chair in 2020.
Jacob Howard – Vice Chair & Coach
I was a keen cyclist when I signed up to a triathlon for charity with work in 2016. I joined the club the same year to help me train for it and haven’t looked back!
Hayley Roche – Club Secretary
In 2015 I participated in a sprint triathlon for a bit of fun, joined the club soon after, and it was one of the best, and the most expensive, decisions that I have ever made!
Davina Greenwell – Treasurer & Women’s Captain
I took up triathlon in 2017 when I thought horses were a little bit dangerous and expensive… It turns out triathlon falls into both brackets but is a great excuse to travel to all sorts of weird and wonderful places.
James Calvert – Membership Secretary & Open Captain
I have been a runner for over 30 years; but having suffered from more than my fair share of running injuries I decided to start cross training to keep up my fitness. I joined ITC in 2015 and have been bitten by the triathlon bug.
Charlie Stannett – Coach
I joined the club last century. My wife was already a member and I needed to be in an England Athletics affiliated club to increase my chances of getting a London marathon place. One thing led to another and I’ve ended up doing 10 Ironmans, on the back of which I introduced “newbie” coaching. Many of our experienced members started out in my newbie swim lane!
Dave Casey – Run Co-Ordinator
I took up running at the beginning of 2015 as an antidote to cheese and wine. Although I stuck with it, I didn’t like it much, so decided to take up triathlon as the cycling and swimming sounded like more fun. I prefer ‘wilder’ events, such as the Ben Nevis Triathlon. However, having joined the tri club because I didn’t like running, my real interest is of course ultra running. The cross training offered by my membership is ideal for this pursuit.